Most accurate and clear Hindi Shorthand Dictation (Hindi Stenography) by Shri Nand Kishore.
Most of the Hindi Shorthand dictations (Hindi Stenography / हिन्दी आशुलिपि ) available on internet lack accurate pronunciation and consistent speed.
This app is an attempt to make available the voice of renowned Hindi shorthand instructor to you with over 40 years of teaching experience with following unique features:
- Accurate pronunciation
- Consistent Dictation Speed ranging from 60 wpm to 100 wpm
- Same passage at different dictation speeds for beginners to experts
- Video in sync with dictation showing text and Hindi shorthand side by side
- Dictations will be updated on monthly basis for regular practice on new passage
Practice regularly for increased Hindi Shorthand (Hindi Stenography / हिन्दी आशुलिपि ) speed and get assured success in private and government sector jobs, SSC, Journalism etc.
Proposed feature to be added in near future:
- Lecture series on Hindi Shorthand training (Hindi Stenography / हिन्दी आशुलिपि )
Subscribe on YouTube channel for regular update on new hindi dictation video at: